Shamangelic Healing Podcast With Anahata Ananda

Not On My Watch: Standing Up For Racial Equality with Anahata Ananda



We are not born hating another because of their skin color, religion, socioeconomic status or sexual orientation, we are taught to hate – therefore we can be taught to love. It starts with me, with you, right now, tuning in instead of tuning out. “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” – Desmond Tutu Turning a blind eye to racial oppression makes us complicit. Ignorance and hatred are infectious parasites that are plaguing humanity. It’s our social responsibly to stand for racial equality and put an end to this needless suffering.  This sharing offers some perspective and suggestions for how you can make a difference and stand for equality. I realize this is not a solution to hundreds of years of oppression and we have a long journey ahead, however we start that journey TODAY one step at a time TOGETHER. THIS is how we build a bridge to a brighter tomorrow and see in OUR lifetime Martin Luther King’s Dream of a united peoples of all color come to fruition.