The Melissa Ambrosini Show

77: Uncover Your Erotic Blueprint With Miss Jaiya



Pure, exquisite, toe-tingling bliss... Tell me, does your lovemaking make you feel this way? And do you finish up your ‘boudoir activities’ feeling fulfilled, connected, and oh so alive? If your answer to these questions is anything less than a ‘heck yes, every time’, then HOLY SHAKTI have I got a conversation for you! For full show notes and episode resources, head to Today’s podcast guest believes that sex isn’t just something we do, it’s part of who we are. She teaches that if we tap into our own unique blueprint for pleasure, we can unlock a wellspring of energy (and insane satisfaction) that can rock your world... both in the bedroom, and beyond. If this all sounds like your cup of cacao — one of my fave aphrodisiacs ;) — then prepare to be blown away by this conversation with the super inspiring and super sexy Miss Jaiya. Jaiya is an internationally recognized, award-winning sexologist, best selling author, and the creator of the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough. Her mission