Prime Mates

29 - Disney's The Jungle Book 1967 (with Naomi Higgins and Danielle Walker)



In 1967, Disney released their smash hit animated version of Rudyard Kipling's, The Jungle Book. Still much loved, the film wasn't without it's troubles and controversies though. This week I am joined by the very funny comedians Naomi Higgins and Danielle Walker (Bitch Batch podcast). I'm touring my new stand up show Bone Dry in 2019 (to Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and Melbourne) Tickets/details: Use the early bird discount code 'dogoon'   Vote for the 2018 Primate of the Year: Our twitter: @PrimeMatesPod Our instagram: @primematespod Facebook: Email: Got topic/primate suggestions for the show? Chuck them here: Check out my other podcast (where we do a report about a different topic each week): Do Go On Danielle and Naomi's podcast: Batch Bitch Naomi's twitter: @nomstrositi Naomi's TV Show: Why Are You Like This? Danielle's twitter: @danwalkercomedy Danielle's Londo