Prime Mates

56 - Spiderman: Far From Home (with Nick Mason, Cass Paige and Evan Munro-Smith)



Spiderman is one of the most popular super heroes of all time, in his new film a new primatey alter ego is introduced, Night Monkey! I'm joined by (now regular second banana) Evan Munro-Smith (Gamey Gamey Game), Nick Mason (The Weekly Planet) and Cass Paige (Sanspants Radio) to discuss the film! The episode is SPOILER HEAVY!Come see me LIVE in KNOX August 1st) and BRISBANE (August 12, 13, 15), tix/info: MERCH (pins and Prime Mates beanies) here: the show on PatreonOur twitter: @PrimeMatesPodOur instagram: @primematespodFacebook: primematespod@gmail.comGot topic/primate suggestions for the show? Chuck them here: out my other podcast (where we do a report about a different topic each week): Do Go OnPrime Mates Spotify PlaylistMy twitter: @mattstew_artMy instagram: @MattStewartComedyMy facebook: