Fly With Chris And Di

Get to Know Chris



It is finally time to get to know our other host better.  Today we are going to dig deeper and get to know more about Chris and his travel adventures. He waits until the very end of the episode to share his special story about his favorite childhood travel experience and adds some special guests in on the discussion.  We also discuss Chris’s top 3 places to go, where he would like to go, and great family adventures. We talk about restaurants, excursions, and more. We hope you enjoy this little peek into Chris’s travel history and his most memorable traveling adventures.  Show Notes: [03:02] Chris has a special story about his favorite childhood travel experience that he is going to share at the end of the episode. [04:23] Chris was first introduced to travel on road trips to Nashville.  He was typically the navigator.   [05:09] Chris grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, which is 210 miles from Nashville.  [06:18] Chris shares about being in a handbell choir at church as a child with his siblings and cousins.   [08: