

Lucy painted an alternative portrait of the week (including Sunday's jury discussions) outside Ambridge; packed with more jokes than there were jurors. Also far more villagers in the court than reported by the original microphones. More calls than ever as this phase of the story climaxes. Some were made before the verdict and some afterwards - so it is mixed bag of predictions and celebrations as the callerinerers reflect on an extra lengthy week nearly all from the Crown Court. Roifield also salutes the departing editor and in the sense that as editor he has garnered an immense number of column inches this is justified. However some of us feel that there has also been a distortion (possibly a perversion) of our regular drama and this is hard to forgive especially if the new won listeners prove hard to retain in calmer waters. Even Roifield expressed some concern over the sudden jump to a verdict in the trial episode which was simply outrageously foreshortened and again unworthy of the story cycle... &#