Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 11: Friday 5 With Kathy Smith



I was a fan of Kathy Smith for at least a decade before I met her in person and when we did meet face to face, she was everything I had hoped for in a fitness icon and more. I have watched how she constantly evolves and continues to stay relevant in the fitness industry, and she continues to carve her unique path on her journey - as she inspires people all over the world to engage in a healthier lifestyle. Here are my five favorite takeaways from this week's conversation with one of the pioneers of health and fitness – Kathy Smith Are You Mindful or Is Your Mind full? Kathy talked about the shift in her daughter’s mindset that moved her from being a runner to a competitor in the Olympics, one of the big changes was mindfulness. What is one thing you can do to become less distracted and more fully engaged in the present moment? Is it minding your technology, perhaps it is dropping the idea of multi-tasking and attending to one thing at a time – or maybe it is pausing now and then and asking yourself "Am I ful