Grace Bible Church Georgetown, Tx

Troubleshooting your spiritual bandwith issues



What is your spiritual bandwidth? Is it a spotty connection? Something that happens every now and then? Or is your connection to God intentional and growing? Peter reminds us that because of our intimacy with God, that we should be mindful of growing certain qualities in our character. Lacking these qualities is evidence of having a bad connection to God. A bad connection leads to a spiritual blindness. When you’re blind, you tend to stumble or bump into things that cause pain. A bad connection to the Lord also leads to a flippant attitude toward all the forgiveness we have from the Cross. When we fail to see how much we’ve been forgiven, it makes it that much harder to forgive others. But when our connection is strong and these qualities are evident. Then when can become useful and productive workers of God’s Kingdom.  This means we need the right tools for the job. We need those qualities. But we don’t receive them from self-effort. We intentionally pursue those qualities, BUT we allow God to grow them.