Self Publishing Journeys

PPD 13th May 2017



1) Over 14000 unique clicks were generated in my Crime/Thriller Giveaway at Ian Sutherland was the top promoter, sending 3500+ unique clicks, many of those directly via his Twitter accounts. Check out Ian's Author Platform Sidekick service: [Affiliate link] 3) My Dead of Night proof copy arrived - I have 10 x fiction paperback books now: 4) I've now put Self-Publishing Journeys on Facebook 5) Avril McDonald's new book: [amazon_link asins='B06XTV7ZJ5' template='ProductAd' store='author-pt-21' marketplace='UK' link_id='fffcc329-373c-11e7-8700-95a48855f596'] 6) Sarah Painter's Worried Writer podcast (highly recommended!) at and her first self-published book: [amazon_link asins='B06Y6GXFY6' template='ProductAd' store='author-pt-21' marketplace='UK' link_id='310ce1bb-373d-11e7-9308-2f2c71aeabd0'] 7) Books2Read service