Self Publishing Journeys

SPJ072 Alison Ingleby, As-Yet Unpublished Indie Author



Alison Ingleby is a freelance writer who provides blogging and copywriting services to businesses all over the world who are connected to travel or the great outdoors. Alison is planning to use this freelance business business to bootstrap her self-publishing efforts. She has just written her first book, which will form part of a dystopian trilogy. I asked Alison to join me on the podcast because I'm keen to capture the experiences and progress of a brand new indie author. Essential links 1) Alison's website: 2) Alison's Windswept Writing website: 3) Follow Alison on Twitter: 4) Alison's Windswept Writing Twitter account: 5) Connect with Alison on LinkedIn: Talking Points 1) NaNoWriMo [Recommended for brand new and existing writers] 2) Scrivener: [My affiliate link] 3) Jon Cronsha