Self Publishing Journeys

SPJ074 Meg Cowley Take 2 Interview



Meg Cowley was first interviewed in episode 3 of this podcast, in April 2016. At that time Meg was experiencing her biggest success in self-publishing having created a series aof adult colouring books which were selling very well. However, the bottom dropped out of that market and Meg had to so a very sharp pivot to set her writing career back on track. Prior to the breakkthrough with the adult colouring books, Meg had written two young-adult ‘sword and sorcery' novels and two illustrated children's books. She's now returned to writing fiction but is still using her artistic skills to generate an author income. Find Out More: Website: Amazon Author Page: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: 1) Me and Meg in Manchester when we attended Amazon Academy: 2) Meg's creative roadmap (Jan-April):