Brain Software With Mike Mandel: Hypnosis | Nlp | Self Improvement

Session 66: Chris is a “bast”, Alacrity, Incarceration, and Dennis Bryce-Morgan in the studio!



Welcome to Episode 66 of Brain Software with Mike Mandel and Chris Thompson! This is without a doubt the finest podcast we’ve ever done! Check out for more info on what we’re up to. Here are the show notes for this episode: Mike starts by calling Chris “a bast” because he doesn’t want to say “bastard” on a podcast. They review how life should be effortless, enjoyable and vaguely annoying to other people! Mike reviews his beginnings as a performer, back in 1975 on the Tommy Banks Show. The multiple uses of “Is that what you’re calling it these days?” and how it sounds obscene… Mike and Chris name a waitress “Jessica” because she looks like a “Jessica”. Mike cracks his neck and reminisces about torticollis and a sadistic teacher. Chris got back from Dominican Republic with this wife and kids. Mike calls them “Vorolaya, Clymnestra and Allistrate” and Chris ignores him. Better than a New Year’s resolution is a Word for the Year! What’s yours? Mike’s word for 2016 is “Transformation”; both