Kettlebrook West Bend

Gospel Identity, 1 Timothy 1:12-17



Questions for Reflection / Discussion: 1. When you think about others sharing their story, who or what is usually the hero? 2. Read Philippians 3:4-8 – were Jesus not your hero, what accomplishments might be the hero of your story? Why is Jesus a better hero? 3. Talk about a time where Jesus wasn’t the hero of your story? Talk about how God has changed you to where Jesus is now the hero. 4. Share your story of 1 Timothy 1:14 in your life. 5. Why is Paul’s attitude of seeing himself as ‘the worst of sinners’ (v.15) important to Jesus continuing to be the hero of his story? How does it enable him to disciple others towards Jesus being the hero of their story? 6. What is one area were you not intentional, Jesus could stop being the hero of your story? 7. What is one way God is speaking to me and one thing I will do as a result?