Kettlebrook West Bend

Free in the Spirit, Romans 8:1-11



Questions for discussion: 1. Have you ever been in a ‘game changing’ situation? What was it? How was the situation entirely changed for you? 2. For context, read Romans 7:14-20. Have you ever experienced anything like that? Can you relate to what Paul is saying in any way? Explain. 3. What does Romans 8:1 mean to you? What is your emotional response to this news? Verse two says that we have been ‘set free.’ Have you ever been set free from anything? How does that feel? 4. How is the Holy Spirit a ‘game changer’ in the life of the believer (Read Romans 8:5-11)? What do you think our role is in all of this? 5. Read verse 9-11. List all the things these verses say are true of anyone who has the Spirit living in them. What are they and why are they important? 6. There are no commands in all of Romans 8. So what difference do these verses make to you on Monday-Friday? What is our appropriate response?