Kettlebrook West Bend

Ethos: Family



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. When you hear the word “family” what comes to mind? How would you define family? 2. How has your family of origin shaped the person you have become? 3. Read Matthew 12:46-50 and 1 John 3:1- 3. How might these Scriptures impact our understanding of family? 4. In what ways have you been guilty of acting more like Cain (see Genesis 4:1-16) than Christ (see 1 John 3:16) with respect to family? What steps might you take to act more like Jesus? 5. How might you personally engage more as “family” with brothers and sisters in Christ? What might be barriers to this for you? 6. What we do flows out of who we believe we are. If this is the case, what are your behaviors reflecting about what you believe? 7. Share one way that, if you believe you are part of God’s family, that you will live like it this week.