Kettlebrook West Bend

Creating Culture vs. Condemning Culture, Luke 9:51-56



Questions for Reflection and Discussion: 1. In this series so far, we have talked about consuming culture and condemning culture as two approaches to culture. Which one do you tend towards and why? 2. What elements of our culture would you most like to condemn? Why? 3. What elements of your life does culture seem to condemn in return and why? 4. Read Luke 9:51-56. When do you find yourself responding like James and John? If Jesus were to rebuke you in this, what do you think He would say and why? 5. When you respond to culture with condemnation, what assumptions are you making? Whose stories might you not be understanding? 6. In what ways are you trying to play the role of the Holy Spirit in others’ lives? 7. Read Mark 7:18-23. In regards to this text, Matt Chandler writes, “Culture is the source of evil. That’s the human heart.” In what ways do you contribute to some of the issues in our culture? How might you confess them to one another and to God? 8. In what way might you/we be able to o