Kettlebrook West Bend

Creating (Kingdom) Culture, Acts 16:16-34



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. In what ways do you find yourself consuming culture? Why is this the case? 2. In what ways do you find yourself condemning culture? Why is this the case? 3. Read Acts 16:16-34. What sticks out to you? In what ways are Paul and Silas’ responses challenging/convicting? 4. Have you ever experienced a glimpse of the Kingdom culture that you believe Jesus came to bring? What was that like for you? What made it attractive? 5. If someone asked you the same question that the jailer asks in verse 30, how would you respond and why? 6. In what ways has Jesus specifically rescued you like He has rescued the jailer? (assuming He has… if He hasn’t what might be keeping you from this?) 7. How specifically can you create (rather than consume or condemn) Kingdom culture at home? At work? In your community? 8. Note that Kingdom culture seems to be reflected best in groups. Who can join you so that together you can reflect Kingdom culture?