Kettlebrook West Bend

Blamelessness, Daniel 6



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. Have you ever had someone try to compromise your integrity or slander your character? What was that like? 2. Read Daniel 6:4-5. The other leaders were trying to find grounds for accusation against Daniel. If you were put through an examination like this at home, work or school, how would you fare? What might you hope they don’t find/see? 3. In what ways might you not only be living in this world, but living for this world? Why do you think this is the case? 4. In what ways do you “move two feet to the left of the window” or “close the blinds” when it comes to your faith? Why is this the case? 5. When you pray, what does your posture reflect? In what ways might your physical and spiritual posture need to change? 6. In what ways might you need to take a stand for (or be on your knees for) God, despite the repercussions? 7. If someone looked into the window of your life/heart/soul what would they see? How can Jesus and the gospel be good news for you i