Kettlebrook West Bend

The Promise of the Holy Spirit, John 16: 5-11



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. When was the last time you have been “convicted” about something in a positive sense (feeling driven to do something to help)? In a negative sense (feeling guilt or shame about something you did)? 2. Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will convict the world in regards to three specific things. What are those three things (see above message notes)? Which of these three stick out most to you and why? The least and why? 3. When you find yourself being convicted, does it usually cause you to push away from God or draw nearer to God? Why do you think this is the case? If “push away” is your answer, what might this mean about your conviction(s)? 4. Read John 14:25-26 slowly and carefully. What do these two verses add to your understanding of the Holy Spirit? 5. What indicators do you have in your heart and life that the Holy Spirit is at work? Indicators that He is maybe not at work? 6. How might the Holy Spirit be convicting you recently? How might the Holy Spirit be invi