Kettlebrook West Bend

Full of Purpose, John 1: 1- 14



Questions for Reflection/ Discussion: 1. What are your favorite kind/style/color of Christmas lights and why? 2. What, in your own opinion, is the most pressing evidence of the darkness that is in this world? 3. Read John 1:1-9, making a list of what the Light does. What sticks out to you from the list? 4. In what ways might you be living in fear, unconvinced that the darkness does not overcome the Light? 5. In John 1:6-8, John (the author) writes of John the Baptist. Why does it say that John the Baptist came to be and do? Do you think these things might also be true of you? Why or why not? 6. John 1:9 says that the true Light gives light or enlightens every man (and woman). This can mean exposing darkness. Reflect to yourself (or be brave enough to share with someone else), what are you afraid of being enlightened/exposed in your own heart/life? 7. In John 1:12, what is the promise that John writes of? Have you “received Him”? If not, what is keeping you from doing so? If so, how can you shine Him th