Being A Whole Person

Self-Love in an Uncertain Time with Mary Hodges



In this episode, Lexie and Rebecca speak with Mary Hodges of Abundantly Being. It was this conversation during COVID-19 that inspired Rebecca and Lexie to finally hit publish on Season 2 and we think you will quickly see why that is. Mary is full of insights, wisdom, and articulately explains why self-love is so important right now. TOPICS DISCUSSED • Where does your identity come from? Is it from the “doing”? • Unlearning what is no longer serving you and your mission • How Coronavirus is impacting our identities and our businesses • Going through a business name change and the deeper layers of what that actually meant to Mary • What “Abundantly Being” means • Being process oriented versus outcome oriented • Getting adequate sleep as a form of self-care • Shifting to self-love as a form of self-care during the pandemic • Should we really be “capitalizing” on the perceived space and time that we have right now? • Time does not equal availability or energy • The unexpected painful impacts of the Coronavir