Being A Whole Person

Rewilding business and alignment with Natalie Brite



In this episode, Lexie and Rebecca speak with Natalie Brite, a business rewilding mentor who helps creative entrepreneurs in impact-based businesses find authentic approaches to business that allow them to embody who they really are. In this inspiring conversation, we talked about so many things, including alignment, slowing down, flexible self care, and most of all, following your own inner voice to follow what’s right for you personally. TOPICS DISCUSSED • Shifting paradigms within the business industry and rewilding with creative, authentic, unique approaches that embody who we are • Natalie’s background in art and philosophy, and how she discovered that she’s “good at business” • Natalie’s journey into online business and how that’s developed since her first business, an MLM • Having the audacity to try something risky and believe that it can happen, while also planning for the unexpected • The benefits (on both Natalie and her clients) of being process-oriented • The benefits of