"living Fearlessly " With Lisa Mcdonald

Scenic Science with Emily Hoff



Truly looking forward to talking with co-author, Emily Hoff – about her breathtaking book, Scenic Science of The National Parks. Topics of botany, geology and wildlife couldn’t be more welcomed or appropriately timed given what we are all presently missing – the beauty and the freedom of the outdoor world. A Not-To-Be-Missed Show on C-Suite Radio / C-Suite Network Host Page!! EMILY HOFF is the Big Ideas Person of this author duo. She’s constantly inventing new projects and swinging for the fences. Other hats that Emily wears when working with Maygen include Chief Campsite Dishwashing Officer, Monitor of the Weather Radar, Knower of Hamilton Lyrics, and Queen of the Research Books. When she isn’t working with Maygen, you can find her writing museum exhibits for the likes of the American Museum of Natural History and Kennedy Space Center. She lives in Brooklyn, New York. Uplifting you to fear less and to live more!  #Grateful #Radio #Podcasts #CSuiteRadio #CSuiteNetwork #CTRN #HaltonHonda #Forever #AHAthat #VR