Born To Thrive With Jamie Lee

Ep. 35 Three Key Principles for Negotiating as a Leader



It's no coincidence that the principles behind interest-based negotiation framework dovetail with time-proven leadership principles. 1. Success is 80% mindset and 20% tactics. My clients are applying this insight to reinvent their lives and careers from stifling to thriving. Success is an inside job. 2. Ask open questions to understand their why before seeking to be understood. Far from being "nice," this is a powerful strategy that enables my clients to win over a room of naysayers, flip no to yes, and turn transactions into transformational conversations. 3. Be ready to tell a new story. My career changed when I stopped telling myself, "I can't do it," and started saying, "I will walk the talk I give." What new story will you tell? Come to for future webinar updates and more.