Born To Thrive With Jamie Lee

Ep. 40 Six Common Negotiation Mistakes with Vivian Giang



If you're a pragmatic negotiation geek like me, or if you want to improve your negotiation skills so that you can thrive, you won't want to miss this interview with Vivian Giang. Vivian is a business writer covering how the changing workplace has impacted the way we work and live, in areas related to automation, robotics, team dynamics, executive leadership, and management. She asks, "How do you navigate these waters while also creating credibility and relevance?" She writes about these topics for business publications, like Fast Company, Fortune, Quartz, Dealbreaker, and Marie Claire. In this value-packed conversation, Vivian and I addressed each of the six common negotiation mistakes as highlighted in this Fast Company article: We discussed: - Why it's important to start with your why before asking for the what - The impact of anchoring effect on the bargaining range - How making assumptions creates negotiation pitfal