Born To Thrive With Jamie Lee

Ep.41 The People-Pleasing Trap



How differently would you show up to ask for help, work, or money if you didn't have the need to please people? My bet is that you'd be bolder, braver, and as a result, better paid. I have a lot of experience with the people-pleasing trap, because I'm a recovering people-pleaser. In this episode, I explain how this fear of displeasing others holds us back from asking, receiving, and thriving. You'll learn: - Why and how the life-long training to please others started - Why our brains confuse other people's displeasure as a threat - Why it's impossible to please others with who we are, what we say, or what we do - Three ways we can get triggered to sabotage our outcomes - Three ways we can work ourselves out of the people-pleasing trap - Five of my recurring stressful thoughts around pleasing people - How I turn these thoughts around to instill a new mindset of growth, appreciation, and confidence Come check out for details on Small Group Mastermind, private coaching, and