Do It With Dan

078. Introducing the Beyond Intention Flow Funnel (1/5)



How can we manifest our desires in our physical reality? What is the process? In this podcast, Dan introduces us to the Flow Funnel. The way to align our desires, intentions, actions and ultimately: outcomes. This model breaks down the movement of energy through our different states of consciousness, emotion and physicality. It shows us how we can both create and break alignment between those states, in order to create the outcomes that we want. Welcome once again Dreamers, to the Do it with Dan Podcast! The place to truly dream with your eyes open. It's time to expand our experience with some more great discussion on the power of the mind in all things. Dan Mangena is a Transformational Life Coach, Public Speaker and Best Selling Author. This series of podcasts is completely free. They are intended to provide you with the tools you need to live your dreams and experience the abundance you desire right now! Let's dive in together. Timestamps of interest: 1:37 – What is it all about? 03:30 – The Flow Funnel Pr