Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Interview with Joshua Blackburn



For episode 71 we bring you the author and photographer of the amazing book "Launderama" - Joshua Blackburn. Joshua has found his way to photography late in life after a career in design.  He embarked on a massive project to photograph all the laundrettes in London.  You will find out, the how, why and when about this fantastic story and will help you understand some of the pictures better.  It's not a book you can say fits one style of photography, it encompasses abstract art, the geometry of lines, documentary and street all rolled into one! He also talks to us about: Hoxton book binding Working with Hoxton Visiting 462 Laundrettes Exploring & travelling around London Cruising the USA with camera Projects + importance 30000 pictures as practice What's next Being a technophobe Instagram positivity Martin Parr on digital/analogue Need/lusts for technology Random questions Find out which country he would like to move and why! We discuss Xmas festivities and