Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Christmas special with the Phlogger



Merry Christmas everyone, it's December 2019 and my final show of the year (although this will miss the usual Wednesday slot since its Christmas).  The idea behind this show was to look back over the year and talk about what has been happening in terms of meetups, blogging and podcasting. Obviously we are going to go through the results of the Kodak competition too, so stay tuned to the end for that. ARTICLES Well, what a year, as far as blogging is concerned I wrote articles for: Analogue Wonderland 35mmc Kosmo Emulsive Street Photography magazine.   We even had a guest article by David on my website about shooting infrared film too (check it out here). FRIENDSHIPS I would like to thank my friends for their continued support and help over the years teaching me how to improve my portraiture and lending me gear too.  These are namely: Leon Broomhead, Jay Good, Jay Clarke, Stephen Rendall and Jon Scrimshaw. KODAK COMPETITION Quick update on this. PODCASTING As far as friendships are concerne