Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Competition results with Charlie from Kodak Alaris



First of all, can I thank you all for submitting such amazing work, you all deserve something so you have my gratitude and humble thanks.  We also need to thank Charlie and the team at Kodak Alaris for sponsoring this competition, without them we are nothing. It really does give us great pleasure to look through so many high-quality images, and coming up with a final winner and 2nd place is not easy.  So if you remember the theme was "creativity".  The only rules were to submit a maximum of 2 images and had to be shot on Kodak film. WINNERS So we will go from the top and work down, here we go: 1st place - @Aiony with his wonderful reflection of a lady's eye in a mirror - 20 rolls coming your way!!! (image link) 2nd place - "Jennifer" by @lightcomesthrough with a unique abstract/model image of a lady in a sofa - 10 rolls coming your way!!! (image link) CLOSE RUNNERS UP Due to the number of entries & the kindness of Kodak they also nominated the following as "honourable mentions" and will