Quiet Confidence With Dr Tess Crawley




No matter how much we grow in life and in business, there will always be things that trigger that “small” version of you.  You know, the you that felt scared once upon a time?   The you that preferred to stay safe and hidden?   You know, THAT earlier version of the stronger you.  So today, my “people pleaser” buttons got pushed. And when that happens I typically react in one of two ways.   1. I over-compensate to please the people.   2. I rebel and refuse to care whether or not the people are pleased.   Today it was about my kids, not my business, so I found myself swinging wildly between the two options.   Why did it matter?   We made the decision recently to home educate our kids. For lots of really valid reasons after lots of effort, stress, and tears (mostly mine) trialling other options.   And today was the day that we were to meet with someone very lovely from the education department. The aim was to see if we need any support, brainstorm any issues we’v