Podcast Inglês Online

Podcast: You got this



How have you been? Hoje o episódio é sobre duas expressões fáceis, fáceis. Veja só como são fáceis: You got it! e You got this. Né? Mas minha pergunta a você é sempre essa: Você já usa estes idioms sem pensar? Se a resposta for não, você precisa ouvi-los mais vezes... Simples. Enjoy! Transcrição Hello. How are you? What's going on? How have you been? Well... Today we have a new episode of the Inglês Onlines podcast, obviously. This is Ana, as you know. Unless this is your first time listening to the podcast, but here we go. Today, I have two really quick and really nice expressions. Both of them with the verb 'get', but in the past - 'got'. These are really, really informal. If you watch any shows at all... If you have the habit of watching TV or movies, American sitcoms... You have definitely heard these before, both of them. But my goal is always enough input that these expressions actually get in your head - because the more input you have, the more you will become acquainted, or... used to these expre