Dream. Think. Do. | Helping You Achieve Bigger Goals

Why and how to dream in tough times!!!



A “Deep Dive” going after WHY and HOW to dream (and pursue your goals) in tough times!  I hate to be “Captain Obvious” but it’s tough to think about our dreams and goals when we’re getting hit with words like “Pandemic” and “Quarantine” on a somewhat normal basis.  At the same time… it’s wildly important to continue to look forward, to believe in something bigger and to continue to take small but significant steps forward on the things that are important to us.  Now… this isn’t some “rainbows, butterflies and little ponies” session on how to bury your head in the sand. Nope. In this episode, we dig into the psychology, the science and the specific strategies that will help you to look at this season in a way that will help you to keep your head, to stay safe AND to continue to march towards your dreams and goals!  I think you’re going to dig it. So let’s dive in.       Listen To The Podcast:   RESOURCES: Other DREAM THINK DO episodes on related topics: TIME MANAGEMENT: htmitchmatthews.com/25