Coaching For Leaders

26: Ten Ways to Engage People Today



We've been discussing engagement this month and now it's take to take action. In this episode, I review 10 things you can do today to engage people with your leadership. As you are listening, be sure to commit to take at least one of these actions either today or tomorrow and then send feedback to the links below to let us know what results you've seen: Community Feedback 1. Sponsor an employee goal. Most all leaders know of at least one goal that each employee is working on during the year. Now, get beyond the average leader and help employees take action to achieve their goal. While they bear the primary responsibility for their professional development, it's also your responsibility to help provide resources for them to get there. This might be in the form of funding, but it could also be providing them with an introduction to someone, making space in the workday for their development, allowing them to utilize company resources for their goal, and many other possibilities.