Coaching For Leaders

162: Three Elements of Effective Business Alliances



None of us can be great at everything and neither are our organizations. On today’s show, three key elements to consider for forming an effective alliance with another leader or organization. Guest: Aaron Kent CEO, Dale Carnegie of Southern Los Angeles Aaron was last on the show on episode #35: You Don’t Have to Be a Trainer to Know How to Hire One. Find Industry Overlap In the same world as you, but not in a competitive place with you Each party brings insight and resources that wouldn't be available to the other Focus on what you are best in the world at, and form alliances in other areas Aaron mentioned the book Good to Great by Jim Collins* Clear and Immediate Financial Value Overlap Identify where a win-win outcome can be that benefits both parties This doesn't necessarily mean a dollar for dollar match Be sure it's measurable Aaron mentioned How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie* Dave mentioned How To Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie* Dave mentioned The