Dental Slang With Dr. Christopher Phelps And Dr. Jodi Danna

Dr. Bill Dickerson talks practicing physiologic based dentistry, “Bubba Talk” and tomorrow practice being in a state of “frontdesklessness”.



We’re learning the slang of a very distinguished dentist on this episode of The Dental Slang Podcast. Dr. Bill Dickerson has quite the resume - he’s the founder and CEO of the Las Vegas Institute of Advanced Dental Studies, he’s a published author (more than just dental books too!), and he was also one of Jodi’s favorite professors while she studied at Baylor. But we aren’t just talking about classroom studies today. Dr. Bill is here to discuss what he’s been focusing on for the past twenty years: transforming the dental industry.  Like many of us dentists, Dr. Bill was burnt out on the traditional approach to dental care. The stuffy offices, the lagging technology, even the lack of physiological-based treatments really took a toll on what used to be his passion. He sought out help to get his passion back, and he’s sharing with us how his mentors helped change his attitude and break him out of that disenchanted rut.  Sometimes, people get stuck in a routine so long that the idea of changing seems preposterous