Well Intuit

Episode 6: Mental Health Strategies with Jas Rawlinson



Everyone has mental health & most of us associate it with the ups & downs of life. But what happens when you find yourself on the dark side of life & find it hard to talk about or ask for help? Tune into this thought provoking episode of the Well Intuit podcast where Author & Mental Health Advocate, Jas Rawlinson talks about what provoked her to write the book 'Reasons to Live One More Day, Everyday'. She covers her own story of harsh life events that caused a down turn & reveals how her book encourages hope & resilience for people in Australia & across the globe. Mental illness & depression can be triggered by any event and support is a big key to recovery. You can also visit her website, send her a message or purchase a copy of her book right here: https://jasrawlinson.com/reasons-to-live-one-more-day-every-day/ If this podcast raises concerns for you or someone you know, please reach out and contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.