Phlogger (andrew Walmsley)

Tangents, unicorns & emulsive



For episode 35 we have the one and only "Em" - the genius behind the Emulsive film blog.  He has a reputation for knowing everyone on the circuit and putting the right people together. Everybody remarks what a great person he is, so stay tuned to find out if thats true. We ramble through the following subjects: London + driving in UK Patreon How to impress a girl with photography Scanning (flat + drum) Why don't digital photographers print? Large format + Copal shutters Tinkerers vs the film giants Reflex camera - marketing + funding Intrepid Jobo vs mini labs Facebook groups, social media & forums 3 years of blogging + writing Photographers day pack Idiots guides Em goes through the random questions and answers in his own unique way.  So find out about his all-in-one film processor/scanner/book/film deal application.   Who will he decide to punch - Eminem, Elvis or Eddie Murphy? TIMINGS 0   background 5  emulsive blog, film, scanning + printing