Erin Burnett Outfront

Trump thanks DOJ for intervening in Roger Stone sentencing; claims Stone treated "badly," prosecutors should apologize; Sources: More resignations possible at justice department; Bloomberg addresses outrages over 2015 stop and frisk speech, says he alread



Trump thanks DOJ for intervening in Roger Stone sentencing; claims Stone treated "badly," prosecutors should apologize; Trump officially pulls nomination for United States attorney who oversaw Stone case; attacks prosecutors and judge; Trump slams prosecutors who quit Roger case after justice department overruled them on sentencing recommendation; Sources: More resignations possible at justice department; Sources: More resignations possible after DOJ intervenes in Roger Stone sentencing; GOP defends, downplays Trump remarks on Roger Stone case; Bloomberg addresses outrages over 2015 stop and frisk speech, says he already "apologized for the practice"; Bloomberg on defensive over 2015 stop-and-frisk comments; Biden assures donors he's on track despite Iowa and New Hampshire losses; Buttigieg gets first endorsement from black lawmaker in South Carolina; Buttigieg ramps up staff in South Carolina after strong performance in Iowa and New Hampshire; Steyer spends $18m+ on South Carolina TV