Lj Filotrani's Posts

N10 - mapping N10 catch-up and a feature film set in Muswell Hill



On this week's show Mapping N10: We catch up with artist Anya Beaumont. You might remember we talked to her at the beginning of the year about the intricate paper relief she was about to start on, called mapping N10. Well, a few months on and she is in the finally stages of completing the work, so, we caught up with her yesterday in her studio to find out how it’s all been going and to find out when we might be able to see what she has produced. Door 10: And to an exciting new feature film about to go into production, set in Muswell Hill. The project is the brain child of director Yezid Jimenez - originally from Columbia and now a resident of N10. The film, called Door 10, is scheduled to start filming in October and Yezid will casting for parts in the next couple of weeks. To help fund the project go to indiegogo.com