Don Woods

Medals, Medals and more Medals......



The negative build up to the Olympics was a disgrace….the British press should get a grip…they were criticizing everything.    First it was the security (which was a bummer but it was solved)…then the transport…Next, .The hotels took a bit of a hammering….they had to drop their prices by 80% in some cases….which probably brought the price down to what it usually is...   Greed again…well this time they got their eye wiped.    It was the same as the millennium celebrations….everyone wacked up their prices and no-one showed up. Even when our athletes get into a final and don’t win a medal…it’s “She only managed 5th place”…we are talking about a nobody reporter who has achieved NOTHING criticizing-   an athlete who is not only the best in the country but is 5th in the WORLD!!....pathetic.   Clare Balding got a bit of a telling off for suggesting Rebecca Adlington was expe