Don Woods

The Olympic Legacy



.Don is totally shattered after the Olympics.....;he's run and cycled every race and sailed every wave....How many of us choked up when the Judo girl told her late mum she loved her..;Mo Farrah...Jessica....;the boxing girl..Bolt...the cycling...;Ben Ainsle....I enjoyed every minute. Not sure about the Closing Ceremony..the UK Government are now going on about making P.E. compulsory in primary schools and putting more money into sport. All very good but really they are not displaying sport as an enjoymen... as if you have to apologise for coming second... teach kids how to win..and lose...and spot the good ones and get them into clubs where they can be coached?..and let's give the successful ones the same publicity as they give the rioters . .. Don bumped into a mate who plays in a band.... he was telling me how the scene has changed for the worse. Where you have committees or concert secs ....always going to be problems.....stupid health and safety and compulsory insuranceYou now have to take out insurance i