Don Woods

Water, Water, and still more Water



On the news recently… infant school was having a nativity play and 10 minutes from the end a copper trundles in and tells the parents they are illegally parked and if they don’t shift the cars immediately he would give them a ticket….this went down well with everyone complaining….good stuff…but if anyone had have got knocked over because of stupid parking there would have been an uproar. Also on the news an old lady (who is suffering from cancer) got burgled…they took the lot and her savings and she was really upset…after the TV report was shown she received all sorts of money and stuff from viewers and companies….a great story….There is going to be a remake of Dad’s Army with a woman playing Mainwaring…it’ll NEVER work….They have just erected a plaque on the Birkenhead waterfront in memory of The Cockleshell Heroes….one of which came from Birkenhead (Frederick Laver).It was my favourite film with Tony Newley and Jose Ferrer…a great story of bravery by the Marines…they shortened the war by 6 months by ca