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Brent Sampson - Dispelling the Myths of Subsidy Presses



Brent Sampson Dispelling the Myths of Subsidy PressesIrene Watson and Victor R. Volkman spoke with Brent Sampson., president and CEO of, on subsidy press, vanity press, and what authors can expect from them. Brent is an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year semi-finalist. Through Outskirts Press, Brent has helped thousands of authors successfully publish thousands of books. He speaks nationwide on the topics of writing, publishing, and marketing. You can follow Brent on his blog Our discussion ranged over a variety of topics including:* A question of semantics subsidy vs vanity* What is the difference between a subsidy press and a vanity press and a self-publishing company?* Different types of self-publishing (DIY vs full service)* Why does the stigma of self-publishing continue?