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[Ep #134] Carolyn Scarborough - The Book Whisperer



On May 19th, 2011 Susan Violante and Alan E. Smith spoke with writing coach Carolyn Scarborough on the Book Whisperer what one is and why you need one! Carolyn is a writing coach, who works with people to turn their whispering to write into a reality.  Her most recent book is Backyard Pearls: Cultivating Wisdom and Joy in Everyday Life. She is an award-winning magazine writer, editor and newspaper columnist and has published more than 500 articles in magazines around the world.  We touched on many aspects of the writing process, including What is writers block and how can we dissolve it? How do we stay motivated to write? Why do we tend to get so sidetracked with distractions instead of writing? How do we get in touch with our writer voice. What can we do to make writing easier and more joyful?