Erin Burnett Outfront

House reveals new evidence for impeachment trial; Giuliani letter to Ukraine cites Trump's "knowledge and consent"; Pelosi to announce impeachment managers tomorrow morning; Sanders and Warren feud ahead of final debate before Iowa; Aide: Warren not looki



House to vote tomorrow to send impeachment articles to Senate; New evidence appears to show Trump attorney Jay Sekulow involved in Ukraine scandal; He's expected to defend Trump in Senate; DNC under fire for lack of diversity at democratic debate; Democrats to face off as CNN poll shows 60% of likely Iowa caucusgoers have not made up their minds; Advisers: Discussions on Iran, foreign policy will allow Biden to show off his experience on the world stage; Buttigieg will be only veteran on debate stage, is expected to highlight his military experience; Aide: Sanders will be focused on drawing contrasts with Biden, especially on his foreign policy record and Iraq vote via Knit