"living Fearlessly " With Lisa Mcdonald

Brad Bruce – Media Warrior with Lisa



Tables are getting turned on Living Fearlessly with Lisa McDonald this week! Brad Bruce – fellow entrepreneur, coach and mentor…will be in the #LivingFearlessly hot seat as the host/interviewer of me this week on C-Suite Radio / C-Suite Network!! Brad Bruce is the founder and CEO of WarriorMind Media and a professional speaker. With over 15 years of leadership, team development, and revenue growth experience, he brings a unique blend of achievements to the organizations he works with and helps build. When he is not working on business you will find Brad working closely with his community and the work he does with Dan’s Legacy. A local nonprofit that focuses on at-risk and troubled youth with major life barriers. Find out more about them here www.danslegacy.com. Brad started this journey into self-development and coaching over 18 years ago. When he quickly found himself in an executive leadership position at the age of 20 years old climbing the corporate ladder quickly. Now he wasn’t just responsible for himse