Life Church Boston - Sunday Life

Practice What Jesus Preached (Part 2)



Sunday October 30, 2011 10 A.M. Message from Life Church Boston In this 30th and final message of our Sermon on the Mount series "The Standard", Pastor Rocklyn continues explaining Jesus' warning that it takes more than just calling him "Lord" to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He encourages us to: - Bring God our "FIGS" (Fear, Inadequacy, Guilt, Shame) - Expose our interior lives to God. - Make the Sermon on the Mount part of our lifestyle. - Collaborate with other brothers and sisters who are trying to do the same. Key Passage: - Matthew 7:21-29 Supporting Scriptures: - Matthew 6:1 - John 12:37-43 - Luke 19:11-27 - Luke 6:46-49 - Luke 13:22-28 - Matthew 11:25-30 - John 7:37-39