Lifelight Church

Our Growth



I have a 8 year old daughter. She's not tall. She's average in height for her age I think. Occasionally we encounter another 8 year old who is freakishly tall, and Hannah unfortunately gets to drink milk in the amount more than the usual. At least I try to contain my wife from feeding her something dramatic for her growth - she is just being a mom. Some moms go a little too far in my opinion to ensure "extra" growth of their Asian children. I will say no more. Growth is a thing that is rather uncontrollable. Or should I say it ought to be uncontrolled. Yet we devote in science to control it whether it is on human or watermelons. I'm afraid the same goes for faith in the church today. We measure and control the growth of church by professional consultation, large events and the size of the building. But Paul says otherwise in his letter to Corinthians (1 Cor 3:1-16).