Burning Issues With Dr. Mitch Earleywine

The Medical Marijuana Dispensary with Laurie and Mary Wolf



Today on Burning Issues Dr. Mitch Earlywine is joined by Laurie and Mary Wolf, authors of The Medical Marijuana Dispensary: Understanding, Medicating, and Cooking with Cannabis. This book is part reference, part cannabis cookbook, The Medical Marijuana Dispensary provides up-to-date, evidence-based information and research supported by medical professionals, established experts, and members of the medical marijuana community. In three parts, authors Laurie and Mary give and overview of the history of medical marijuana and profiles of common cannabis strains and explore a range of easy-to-prepare edibles and effective remedies with dosages that can easily be altered to suit your health needs. The Medical Marijuana Dispensary includes useful cannabis resources including an in-depth glossary, medical cannabis guidelines, a well-organized index listing ailments, symptoms and conditions, real-world patient testimonials, and tips for cultivating cannabis at home.